8 Green Street
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Green Street Duplex and Carriage House Brunswick, Maine
Completed 2004
When the opportunity to develop a this small in town lot came along it was hard to resist the challenge. After removal of a derelict structure a design was developed that we felt would “meld” into the fabric of the historic district in which is resides. A narrow lot (45 feet) and setbacks all around added to the challenge.
On a lot of less than 10,000 sf. this small duplex was carefully integrated into the historic fabric of the neighborhood. At 1,100 and 725 square feet these two use townhouse units take full advantage of the limited space. An open plan and large windows afford the short term residents pleasant stays as they explore the in town environs Brunswick has to offer. The detached carriage house provides garage space on its lower level with an optional second bedroom or studio/office space above for the rear townhouse unit.
The resulting structure stands as a testament to our ability in that whenever a Docent led walking tour of the historic district from the nearby museum stops in front of this project and they ask “now when do you think this home was built?” the answers invariably come back in the 1800’s, now that’s what we call a success.