41 Main Street in Topsham, Maine
(207) 725.4460

Back Shore Compound

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A Family Compound in Orr’s Island, Maine
Completed 2008

After the purchase of a spectacular property on the Atlantic Coast the planning process began. I had the unusual opportunity to experience the property over several seasons which gave me an added dimension in the planning process. Its unique for and architect to have the time to be able to see how a lot responds to both the summer breezes and the harsh winter winds. To see how the angle of the sun affects the view and watch as the moon and sun rises are viewed from different areas of the lot.

Orientation to the spectacular views and an awareness of how each outdoor space related to the environment gave us the ability to use all areas of the home to our advantage during each and every season. We were further able to design a home that fit the vernacular of the Maine coast by having time to explore the neighboring houses. The resulting home while incorporating many new and modern amenities including both Solar Hot Water and Photovoltaic collectors that provide 50% of the electrical needs of the home still presents a street presence of being there for many years, something I had hoped to achieve.

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